Archives de catégorie : Technical

Customer support the Ubuntu way

Recently, I have realized a major difference in how customer support is done on Ubuntu. As you know, Canonical provides official customer support for Ubuntu both on server and desktop. This is the work I do : provice customer with … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Canonical, Industry, Technical, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server | 4 commentaires

Mounting fully encrypted hard disk.

While testing Oneiric on a separate disk, I wanted to get some files off my laptop’s hard drive which is hosting my normal Natty’s install.  Keeping with a previous setup, I had installed my laptop with a fully encrypted hard … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Technical, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server | Laisser un commentaire

Live from my phone

The fun of being a geek is to find silly things to do, like to try to blog from an Android phone. Well, using the power of the open source (wordpress & Android) looks like it will be easier then … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Fun, Technical | Laisser un commentaire

Remember that day ?

Not that it is very a original post, but it was 20 years ago. Linus Benedict Torvalds View profile More options Aug 26 1991, 8:12 am Hello everybody out there using minix – I’m doing a (free) operating system (just … Continuer la lecture

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My very own little wiki

Having a linux based distribution as the operating system on my laptop has many advantages.  One of them is to be able to easily run an apache instance and use my laptop as a local webserver.  This has allowed me … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Technical, Ubuntu Desktop | Un commentaire