My very own little wiki

Having a linux based distribution as the operating system on my laptop has many advantages.  One of them is to be able to easily run an apache instance and use my laptop as a local webserver.  This has allowed me to run my very own private mediawiki instance on my laptop and to use it as a note keeping engine.  So the landing page on my web browser looks like this :

Two main advantages of this is that, if I intend to publish some of my notes as a public wiki page, there is minimal effort involved in migrating the data to a public Wiki. Otherwise, I can use the search function to find information on a specific topic, see if I have done things on that subject, etc.

It has been a very useful tool to me and I thought I’d share that experience.

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Une réponse à My very own little wiki

  1. I think tomboy works much better than a mediawiki installation. It’s easier to sync notes to different machines and is probably faster to access most of the time due to its desktop integration with the panel, gnome-do, etc.

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